Unique on Purpose

Finding Victory in how God Uniquely Created You
Episode 88: Pain in the Waiting

Episode 88: Pain in the Waiting

Are you in a season of waiting? God has given you a dream and yet it still hasn't come to pass? Maybe you feel as though you are getting older and time is running out. Or maybe you're frustrated because you are watching others younger than you live out your dreams....

Episode 86: Robin Melvin- Uncover Your Divine Design

Episode 86: Robin Melvin- Uncover Your Divine Design

We are here for two reasons, to know God and make Him known. God uses how He uniquely created us to do this. However, sometimes understanding our uniqueness is blocked by our misconceptions of God depending on our past hurts, traumas, and environment. Wife, mom,...

Episode 85: Sermon Notes: Lessons from Mary Magdalene

Episode 85: Sermon Notes: Lessons from Mary Magdalene

Have you ever felt unworthy to serve Jesus because of your past? You and I live in a sinful world because of what Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden so long ago. However, God always has a plan. We may not feel as those we deserve God's grace, mercy, love, and...

Episode 84: Anne Maki- Reaching People Through Speech

Episode 84: Anne Maki- Reaching People Through Speech

You and I were created to know God and make Him known, We do that through how we were uniquely created. God uniquely created Anne Maki with a desire for speech. As a speech pathologist and accent coach Anne is connecting with people from all over the world and helping...

Episode 82: CC Bloom- Uniqueness of Homeschooling

Episode 82: CC Bloom- Uniqueness of Homeschooling

Every child is different. No matter where you stand on the different types of schooling, everything will depend on what your child needs at certain points in their life. CC Bloom shares the good, the bad, and the ugly of homeschooling. She will also share the medical...

Episode 81: Christopher Trivette- God is Still Good

Episode 81: Christopher Trivette- God is Still Good

Functioning without 1/3 of his brian, abuse induced cerebral palsy, and a stutter, Christopher knows God wants to use his pain for purpose. Born in the eastern European country of Latvia, Christopher was adopted and brought to the States at the age of four. With all...

Episode 80: Motivational Gifts Part Two

Episode 80: Motivational Gifts Part Two

According to Romans 12 you are gifted! Checkout part two of the podcast where we discuss the seven motivational giftings Paul lists: perceiver, server, teacher, giver, administrator, and mercy. Find out where you are gifted and how you can use your gift at home, at...



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