Rachael Jenneman

Fast and Pray. Will You Join Me?

In Daniel chapter 10 you see an amazing picture of what happens when we fast and pray.

Picture this: you’ve been crying out for three weeks on behalf of your nation. Suddenly a magestic vision of an angel approches you. So magnificent and bold in stature you are left speechless and trembling.

This angelic vision tells you that becasue of your outcry to God, he has been fighting demons in the spiritual realm. So much so that because of your prayers God sent another angel to help him battle. This angel is in your presence to tell you of his vitory. The victory he won because of YOUR prayers and fasting.

This is what happened to Daniel as he cried out to God on behalf of his people. His prayers helped the angel and the angel Michael fight the “King of Persia”. And it shows us how we fight in the 21st century.

Today our country is divided like we’ve never seen before. Not just the country, but the church is divided. And you know who loves a divided church? SATAN. And you know what? I’m sick of it. And you should be too!

The election, COVID, the protests, they are all distractions from what we as the Church need to focus on. Jesus.

This post isn’t about whether you like or dislike the president or your govenor. Or whether you think we should or should not wear masks. Those are all Satan’s distractions to keep the church divided instead of united in prayer for repentance and revival.

Will you join me in a week of fasting and prayer? Yes, pray for the distractions, but don’t let those keep you from crying out to our God in Heaven on behalf of our great country and the people that despratly need Jesus.

I believe we are on the brink of revival, but it takes the big C Church praying, fasting and repenting just as Daniel did. Becasue when you do you are helping angels fight demons! Will you join me?

God isn’t done with us yet!

*I will be fasting Monday – Sunday. What you fast should be between you and the Lord. I will be Daniel fasting during the day and having a regular meal at night.