Rachael Jenneman

A Pastor in Her Thirties

When I embarked on the big 3-0 I thought I’d feel like a grown up. Forget the fact that I’d traveled the world,  was married, owned my home, had kids, and was on a pastoral career path. Still, at 29 I felt I wasn’t yet a ‘woman’.

“Once I hit thirty, I thought, “I will finally feel like a grown-up.”

But what did I find the years after 30? I felt there was more confusion than before. For crying out loud, my face breaks out like I’m fifteen and my hair is turning white like I’m fifty-five. What’s up with that? I’m in the inbetween stage. Instead of feeling like an adult and that I can relate more to those that are older and younger, it’s as if all those in their forties and fifties are saying, “Oh, you’re so cute. You know nothing of life (or ministry).” And those in their teens and twenties are saying, “What do you know? You’re not relevant. You’re OLD!”FullSizeRender

I feel as if I’m too old to minister to the young, but not old enough to minister to the ‘middle aged.’

I felt the Holy Spirit remind me of the verse, 1 Timothy 4:12
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

It’s weird, because I always think of that verse for children and teens, not a pastor in her thirties. Then it dawned on me, Paul was writing to a pastor. How old was Timothy? When Timothy joined Paul in the book of Acts, some theologians believe he was somewhere between 16-20, 20 being the more believable age- their age of adulthood.  Paul wrote the first pastoral letter to Timothy 14 years later while in prision.  This would make him possibly 30-34 . . . (yep, I can do math!).

Timothy in his thirties?  That didn’t happen often as it was more accustomed to appoint those quite older into church leadership.  That is why Paul is addressing this issue with Timothy.  Though there are those that are older than him with more wisdom and experience, he is still called as a pastor to be an example of speech, purity, faith and love to not just to the younger, but to the older as well.  And then it dawned on me.  Jesus started his ministry in his . . . wait for it . . . THIRTIES.  He impacted those that were younger, and called out those that were older.  So maybe this pastoral thing in my 30s is legit after all . . .

What does it mean to not have anyone look down on you?  That seems impossible because you can’t control people’s thoughts.  It means to live a life worthy of wanting to follow.  Walking in love, having good speech (not tell anyone off like you’d rather do).  With this it will not matter how old or young you are, because by your example you will stand out.

I received a call today from a dear woman in our church. A woman in her late forties seeking advice . . . from ME. This is a woman who’s probably been saved way longer than I have. How is it that someone that is much younger than her is giving her Godly advice?  For whatever reason God has shown me bits and pieces of her family through discernment in which I can bring pastoral wisdom to.  Though Timothy was young, God called him in later verses to devote himself to preaching and teaching.  Not to neglect the gifts given to him by God.  And He has called us to do the same. In that, our giftings will be used to help lead people to Jesus and draw them closer to Him.

God he used Timothy in his thirties, and you uses YOU.

Let’s be real.  No matter how old or young you are, someone will look down on you for it. Always think of yourself as one who is learning from both ends- the older and the younger, and can help bring them both together.  Think of yourself more like glue!


“Lord, I ask that you would help me where I lack wisdom with the older and the younger generations.  That I would continue to humble myself and learn from those in the race that are in front of me, beside me and behind me.  Thank you for the calling that you have placed upon me, and that I would remember that I was created for such a time as this.  And that in this time of the ‘in-between’ stage, I will learn, grow and become more like you. In Jesus Name, Amen.”