Back-to-school time! I’ve enjoyed my summer. My kids have been home, I took time off from writing and spent time at the beach. However, I’m ready to send my kids back and get into a regular routine again.
This year I’m doing something different. I’m making sure my kids’ teachers feel blessed right off the bat.
Around March last year, I wrote both my school aged kids’ teachers a thank you card. One of which contained a Starbucks card (I still had no clue what my son’s teacher liked). I was blown away by how much this simple act meant to them. A month later, my daughter came down with a cough. Her teacher emailed me and asked if she could give her a cough drop. I said yes not thinking much of it. Later I realized, “She gave my kid one of her own cough drops! With 27 kids in the class, how much more of her own stuff is she giving?”
What does any of this have to do with being in ministry? EVERYTHING. As Christians, we are called to a higher standard. And as a pastor, you’re held to an even higher standard- whether you like it or not. Though my kids go to a Christian school, and their teachers love Jesus, they as well hold me to a higher standard. This means they need to know I am on their side.
Being immersed in ministry I cannot be the room mommy, a PTO chairman, or volunteer at every party/function. But I can let my teachers know they’re appreciated.
I chatted with a few teacher friends and here’s what’s going into my teacher bags this year:
Sharpies– all teachers love sharpies. Who are we kidding? We do too!
Headache Meds– no explanation needed.
Chapstick– for our Arctic Michigan winters.
Chocolate– Duh!
Band-Aids– because if my kids go through a million band-aids, I’m sure what’s given to them in their first-aid kit isn’t enough.
Sea Salted Popcorn– a quick snack to throw in the teacher’s lounge microwave.
Healthy Granola Bars– regular granola bars are filled with sugar; get the good quality healthy stuff (I like KIND bars).
Herbal Tea– not sure if our teachers drink tea, but this will sure be needed after talking all day during the cold winter months.
A Gift Card– maybe to a lunch place by the school?
Tag– I found this cute & free printable at
Remember- you’re showing the love of Christ here, don’t go cheap. It’s fine to be skimpy on yourself, but never on those you’re trying to bless. This may seem like a simple act, but look at this as an open door. “People don’t care about how much you know, until they know how much you care.” (Theodore Roosevelt) Don’t forget a card letting them know you’re on their team and are praying for them- and do it.
“Lord, with everything going on in my crazy life, please don’t let me forget to pray and bless my kids’ educators. Help me to be a blessing to them all year long. To be an ear to listen to, a light and witness. If my child’s teacher isn’t a Christian I pray that this year would be the year of salvation for that teacher. Help them to see Christ through me and my child. Please open doors of opportunity with them. In Jesus Name, Amen.”
What do you think should go in a teacher blessing bag?