Rachael Jenneman

“God, Why Did You Choose Me?” Part 2

httpwww.someecards.comusercards“Mom! I’m making milk for Jayce!”  My husband and I peeked out the bathroom door to see our grinning 4 year old holding the breast pump to his chest, proudly believing he was doing me a favor. We darted back in the bathroom trying to contain our laughter knowing he would not produce milk for his little brother.  I almost felt bad for him since he really thought he was helping, yet is obviously the wrong person for the job.

Do you ever feel this way? The wrong person for the job? Something isn’t right, your personality doesn’t fit?  Where you’re at doesn’t seem to make since because of your age, marital status, or even your gender.

In my last post, “God Why Did You Choose Me?” I expressed how at times we wonder why He has placed us where we are.  If you’re in ministry long enough, you wonder this more often than not.  But be encouraged- If you’re surrendered to Him, then you’re right where He wants you!  If you are in the wrong spot, trust He’ll move you.  If He isn’t moving you you’re probably where you need to be. You may not understand, but He is growing you and allowing opportunity to be reliant on Him!

Calling CPS is not a pastor’s favorite moment, but it had to be done today.  In ministry you see a lot of good, but also bad and ugly.  Discussing the issue with a future pastor’s wife she said, “I don’t think I could call CPS. I’d be so scared.”

I replied, “Not me, I don’t care.”

“See, that’s why you’re the pastor.”

Bingo. She was right.  As much as I’ve wondered why I was chosen for this job, it was God’s reminder that there are things He made me for- and in this case, making tough decisions.

When our lives don’t seem to make since and we seem as much out of place as a boy trying to make breast milk, He’s right there to whisper in our ear, “There are reasons why I choose you.”   Many reasons you may not know about.  It may not make since on paper, but He chose Jacob- the youngest son who was placed first and became the father of a whole nation. Moses- a servant who lead a nation away from an evil Pharaoh.  Deborah- a female prophet and judge who spoke God’s word mightily despite the stigma among women at that time.   David- a dirty, smelly shepherd boy anointed king. And others, that on paper, were not made for the jobs they had. However, God chose them- and they changed our world.


PRAY WITH ME SISTERS                                                                                                                                                                                                   “Lord, though I often wonder, ‘why?’ with little understanding,  I know you have me in this place, whether it is a season or the rest of my life, I know you have chosen me.  Use me mightily, Lord.  Help me to see the gifts you’ve given me and put them into action, and please bring me encouragement along the way.  Help me to learn, grown and rely on you at this time. Thank you. In Jesus name, AMEN.”